Friday, February 19, 2010

Food Food Food

I love food. I cant help it. There is something programmed in my brain that sets off fireworks when I smell garlic, or give me a drooling mouth every time I walk past a bakery. These things just happen so I have come to believe God made me this way, I better use it! At the moment I am fasting for Lent from all sugar as well as all alcohol. This may seem easy for most but for me all I want to do is curl up with a glass of dark rich red wine and a chocolate lava cake! However feeling the grace I get when my belly growls and I can offer that up for people less fortune or when I see that candy bar in the grocery store line and I know not eating that may help save a soul in purgatory. Those feelings make me center back to God and all He does and is doing for me. Those feelings make me a tiny bit more grateful of His love. So I think after Lent ends I wont go back to my normal glass of wine with dinner or chocolate on a weekday afternoon. I will offer that up throughout the year for all those who suffer for all those who do not know God as well as they would like to, for all.

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