Friday, April 30, 2010

Pride will tear us apart, Love will set us apart

Pride. I have written about it before. It is something that I struggle with. The more I think about why I am so prideful the more I go back into that deep dark cave inside my mind called , childhood. Currently in life my new favorite thing is blaming my childhood on why I am so prideful, stubborn and selfish. As some of you know I was an only child for 13 years, my mother had me very young and we grew together more as sisters then mother and daughter. This caused a ripple affect in our relationship. Forever now I see her as a sister, as a young silly girl who I want to never be like. Funny thing about that is I am more like her as the seconds pass then I like to admit. We are all like our mothers at some point, but my question is, is that a bad thing? The Catholic Church teaches that Mary is our mother. She was handed over to us by her Son, our Lord. So if we are all like our mothers shouldn't we look at who our mother is and strive to become like her? My pride and my mom's pride is something that seems to be imbedded in our family. We all have it. It is a poison that runs deep and last long. I truly believe this is due to the hard times we have all experienced separately. The struggles and trials that we endured with no one by our sides due to our Godless up bringing. Those moments of pain and challenge caused us all to have this swollen misplaced righteousness. However is not seeing that the first step to repairing it? I know there is a cure for this pride and it is prayer. I should not be ashamed to be like my mother, as long as I am being like the right one. Obviously this is a journey as all things are with God and I am going to have to trek through many other erie waters before I find my home , but there is a peace knowing I have a home and a mother to come home to.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life after the retreat

Recently I had the pleasure of spending the day at a women's retreat. The priest was He is a wonderful priest and I was excited to spend the day listening to his thoughtful words. I went into this retreat with an open heart. I did not know the topics he was to talk about, all I wanted was to take notes listen and pray God gave me some grace to get out of this funk I have described in previous posts. So did He? Yes, but in His way, not mine. I enjoyed all the things Father said. I was happy to be there and felt very peaceful, however what I was more excited about was to have a confession with him. It seemed he knew things about me that I have not told and I left with a complete sense that I just spoke to my King through this man. I truly believe this is what confession is intended to be like every time, however I think we let ourselves ruin that from time to time. Confession becomes a habit , we rattle off our sins and forget that it is not just our priest in there with us but Christ Himself here to listen and forgive us. So there I am in line for confession , I get inside and it is like he has a secret for me and only me and I cannot wait to hear it. We have a beautiful confession , again there were moments where he spoke as if he knew what was in my soul before I said it. I truly think that prayer was answered that day, and I am thankful for that. Yet it is hard when you start to see God's work in your life, He does not always answer prayers the way you would like. So today a few days after my retreat and back into reality I am praying for that peace again. I am asking for the grace to be patient and understanding while God helps me work out this mess. I guess what I am saying is that God works in ways I will not ever understand and I should take those moments of peace He offers during my days and remember them when I am lost and confused about this life. This is not an easy task but sometimes He gives me help with beautiful retreats with His closest friends

Monday, April 19, 2010

The cow or the grass

Recently I have been thinking a lot about food. For those of you who know me you know this isn't a shock. However I have been thinking about healthy food. I eat very few meat products. My diet is mostly sugar and fat and that's not a good choice. Its not that I have anything against the big cow or chicken they just don't taste great to me, they bore me. My boyfriend and I have been eating out daily for the past few months, needless to say it has been hurting our wallets and our belly's. We aren't married and won't live together until we get married so cooking a meal for two is hard when you are doing it in other people's kitchens. All of this eating out got us thinking how we don't know what is in our food, we aren't told or even able to understand half of the chemicals used to "preserve" our yummy treats so that being said, should we be eating it? This morning my answer is no. I think we should change our diet, start finding protein in other sorces, buy fresh fruits and veggies from a local farm and cook it weekly. It will probally save us both a lot of money and maybe even a few years on our lives. So for now I am going to research and understand what this change means but I am looking forward to eating food and feeling the way God intended us to feel.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

spring cleaning

I walk to the refrigerator and stare blankly inside. I see nothing there that is considered healthy. I see cheesecake and potato salad some left over hot dogs. I want to eat I am hungry or am I just sad or lonely or bored? What does any of this have to do with God? All of it. I have begun to see in the passed few years that there is not a choice I make that doesn't involve Him. Example, what I eat. I am hungry but I am also a little depressed now do I turn that into prayer while having a salad or do I go for the cake and sit in my bed? Everything you do from the minute you wake has a direct line to God and in turn back to you. I have been forced to see this in these past few weeks. I had a case of the winter blues whether it was because of the weather or my relationship or my job or family whatever the case I was down so I ate, a lot 25 pounds of spare tire in my mid section a lot. I also stopped praying as much because in my spare time from eating I was asleep. Two o'clock in the afternoon I was out cold and could not figure out why. The past few days it has been 89 and sunny, I went to the beach and felt the sun touch my body for the first time in months, I let it burn just to feel something greater then me. This something greater of course is God, He was ever so gently saying "wake up, its time to come home". I have been away from Him and my "home" all winter so now that He has shaken my soul into spring I see how much I really need Him. I need Him to help me make the right choice in food, clothes, jobs, cars, family, relationships, everything. I need Him to kick my back side sometimes and ask me in that Fatherly way what am I thinking ? So here comes spring and here I go off to the gym with rosary in hand. A little spring cleaning is needed on the soul just as much as the house.