Friday, April 30, 2010

Pride will tear us apart, Love will set us apart

Pride. I have written about it before. It is something that I struggle with. The more I think about why I am so prideful the more I go back into that deep dark cave inside my mind called , childhood. Currently in life my new favorite thing is blaming my childhood on why I am so prideful, stubborn and selfish. As some of you know I was an only child for 13 years, my mother had me very young and we grew together more as sisters then mother and daughter. This caused a ripple affect in our relationship. Forever now I see her as a sister, as a young silly girl who I want to never be like. Funny thing about that is I am more like her as the seconds pass then I like to admit. We are all like our mothers at some point, but my question is, is that a bad thing? The Catholic Church teaches that Mary is our mother. She was handed over to us by her Son, our Lord. So if we are all like our mothers shouldn't we look at who our mother is and strive to become like her? My pride and my mom's pride is something that seems to be imbedded in our family. We all have it. It is a poison that runs deep and last long. I truly believe this is due to the hard times we have all experienced separately. The struggles and trials that we endured with no one by our sides due to our Godless up bringing. Those moments of pain and challenge caused us all to have this swollen misplaced righteousness. However is not seeing that the first step to repairing it? I know there is a cure for this pride and it is prayer. I should not be ashamed to be like my mother, as long as I am being like the right one. Obviously this is a journey as all things are with God and I am going to have to trek through many other erie waters before I find my home , but there is a peace knowing I have a home and a mother to come home to.


  1. Shannon, I alternate between cringing and rejoicing when I see things in me that I saw in my mother. It is part of the human condition and the mother-daughter dynamic! God bless you both.

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