Lately it has been snowing here, a lot. I love the snow when it is falling down in mystical little flakes but as soon as it stops I am ready for it to find a new home. I wish we could scoop it up and send it out to sea, however it does make for great reading time. I was just given a book from my friend and author , Amy Julia Becker{ her book ,Penelope Ayers can be bought through her website; http://www.amyjuliabecker.com/}. The story Amy Julia handed over to me is written by another fabulous author, Margot Starbuck{ http://www.margotstarbuck.com/} her story is a spiritual memoir. A long journey to find "the Father that never fails." I too have gone down this path and I know it is not a easy one. There are times of betrayal , hardship, emotional pain and sorrows that make you wonder if you will ever be a happy person again. Yet, I feel this is such a needed road to go down to be truly one with yourself and God. I know I would not be the strong woman I am now if I had not stopped to listen to our Heavenly Father for a moment, if I did not swallow my pride for a brief second and frankly , shut up. Margot paints a picture for us that is so familiar that I found myself crying and laughing all at once. It was like she was in my head on many occasions and just captured my thoughts in a more articulate way. I wont say too much on the book because I do not want to spoil it, I simply suggest you run out and buy it now. You wont be sorry, this story is truly one of grace, love , compassion and hilarity.
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