Friday, January 22, 2010

Dream big

I am a big advocate of doing what you want. Now I know that can be taken a few ways and since I am a Christian I know that it can and always is brought up in argument. However what I mean by that is, standing up for what you believe in, in union with God. I am pro life so I pray and I stand up for the unborn.I feel that we all should do what makes us happy so I pray and ask God what that is. I recognize that I am small, I know nothing so I consult the One who knows it all. I want to follow my dreams and I want my dreams to have passed through His sleep first. If that means I move to Rome and live in a small home raising children and making meals then wonderful, if that means I stay here and work until my hands are old and wrinkled with the signs of my life then I am pleased to do it. I actually think that a elderly woman's hands are one of the most beautiful pieces of art God makes. No matter what my dreams may be I will chase them, praying and letting the sweet wind of the Holy Spirit fill my lungs.


  1. the most difficult thing to realize for those who want to do so many things, experience life, 'do what they want', and feel the need to always accomplish more; is that we will never see the big picture, but we are guided by a God who loves us and knows our hearts and has plans for us to be fulfilled and used for His kingdom.

  2. Agreed, and ya know, I dont even want to see the whole picture, I like the mystery and I love knowing no matter what He is taking care of me.
