Monday, September 28, 2009


Love. overwhelming, uncontrollable. We as people long for it in one way or another. We watch it on TV we read it in books. We surround ourselves with love. Or maybe we just surround ourselves with the idea of love. Would we know true love when we see it? I think I do, but then the next normal human emotion comes in, doubt followed by fear. All of these things are tied together with a bow called trust. So its not just what we see on TV or read in books, you don't just meet and live happily ever after. You meet, you fall , you work hard at sustaining that love, over coming obstacles of the heart and mind. ugh love. So end result, trust is one with love and they are in a relationship with the rest of our God given emotions and we just need to pick up the whole bunch and run with it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Proud and Preachy

So recently a friend told me I am very proud and preachy.. This startled me. I in no way want to be this way! in the corners of my mind and deepness of my heart I pray to be more humble, to let the Holy Spirit come forth from me. Yet I know I am not always this way. I am human and I am sinful and I let anger or frustration get the best of me. I come off proud or snotty and when I catch myself doing these things it breaks my heart. I guess old habits die hard. These are all things I am working on, in work, life, relationships.. These are tiny crosses I have and I am praying and actively working to be better at carrying them. So to anyone whom I have offended I am truly sorry, I do not mean to hurt or harm or upset anyone, only bring joy, love and God into their hearts.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fall has fallen

The first day of fall.

I love fall! By far my favorite season. The leafs change color, the air is crisp and clean, which is perfect for sleeping or just about anything else. Football is back, kids are in school, the color pallet of the world is breath taking! It reminds me of when I was younger, my family would drive to Kentucky to see my Aunt and Uncle . That 13 hour drive went by so fast, rolling through the states watching the world change color right there before my eyes. Fall would be reason enough for me to move down south, I think a southern fall is unlike any other..

Sunday, September 20, 2009


1. a particular occupation, business, or profession; calling.
2. a strong impulse or inclination to follow a particular activity or career.
3. a divine call to God's service or to the Christian life.
4. a function or station in life to which one is called by God: the religious vocation; the vocation of marriage.

Id like to point out number 4, this is rare that when speaking about a vocation people reference the religious life as well as the married life. We seem to forget that being married is also a vocation, a calling from God. Marriage is no easy task, in most cases you don't just meet and live happily ever after. Hard work, sweat ,blood and tears goes into making a marriage work. As I have said before I am not married, I am in discernment for that and or whatever God is calling me to do, however I have been well schooled in all vocations and marriage is often left out in the mix.. As is the case with the single life. Sometimes God calls us to be single, faithful holy people. They are not in the religious life or the married life, they live alone and usually work in their church in their spare time. These people are humble, loving and devout. The single vocation is rare nowadays probably BC people like two clean categories; married and religious. Yet this vocation is just as hard as the others if not more, this vocation takes immense trust in Our Lord, something that is hard to come by in even the most devout Christians, as humans we have something in us (original sin) that causes us to be more on guard then we probably should. No matter what your vocation may be I recommend intense prayer ,private spiritual direction from your priest and above all trust. This is a hard road to travel at a young age, however God is loving, kind and merciful He will help you every step of the way.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hey, what are ya doin down there?

I laughed out loud when I heard Penny say to William " Hey, what are you doin down there, brother" as he lay with his head on the floor and one leg in the air.. The thought hit me, that's probably what God thinks of us all day long! He sees our actions and thoughts and wonders " what are they doing down there!" We probably look much like a infant with our feet over our heads in ignorant bliss.. At least our Lord is loving and understanding, merciful and kind, offering us forgiveness for our "silly" actions.. Otherwise all we would end up with is a sore neck and a headache.

Waves of Sin

Sin. One small word that means so much. How are we effected by it?

Sin makes us ugly, inside and out.. It causes waves of sorrow in our life's and destroys our relationships with one another and with God.. No matter what name you call it sin is there. And no matter how you ask for forgiveness it is also there...

I want to talk about a certain kind of sin, sexual sins.. Sins of the flesh.. As a practicing Catholic this is a big deal.. I am unmarried and in a relationship.. I am 24 and have urges and feelings just like everyone else.. However I also have a past. In my current relationship we practice chastity as hard as it is and there are times we do fall but our goal is to live as chaste loving Christians.. Yet there is a unspoken tension in the air.. A missing of trust.. A judgment.. My boyfriend and I have not always practiced our faith as best we could and that has caused a wave of sin in our life together.. Bc we both have had sex in one form or another we are lacking a trust, there is a missing piece to our puzzle that God made for us.. One may ask how do we mend this? What does it mean for us in a marriage? All of these questions are good and should be addressed but what I feel we are lacking is the idea of forgiveness. We as Catholics have the sacrament of confession.. Both my boyfriend and I have gone to our priest in persona Christi we have confessed these sins and have been forgiven.. Yet, we still have this hole... God has forgiven us, He has moved on yet we still let the past effect our future.. This is a far greater sin.. Not trusting in Our Lords love and mercy... I see now the error of my ways. This wave of sin I have caused in my life and all I can do is pray.. Pray for the strength to stay out of sin, to listen to Our Lord and to pass on the knowledge my mistakes have caused me to have to the children God grants me with..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New to it.

I am new to the blogging world.. to me I thought a journal or moments of thought were all I needed , however after the woman I work for shared her blog with me I was inspired...

Lets talk people.. we love them , we need them no matter how much we convince ourselves we don't. Yet, we as Americans are not producing more of them.. We are in a depression, the country that we live in is in some way not what it used to be and we are all to blame for that. I am not going to point my finger at any public party like most would, I am pointing my finger at us, the people who make up the United States of America... We are to blame when the country is loosing money, morals,values and its self .. I know the idea of the family is one of the past but it is what shapes our future. We need to take a step back.. think about the 40's the 50's men and woman met, they dated RESPECTFULLY they then courted and got married in a normal amount of time. Now we don't date we have sex with whom ever we please and with no remorse. We also use contraceptives, even in marriage. "We aren't ready to have kids, we want more money, a bigger home, we both need to focus on our careers that's really what is best for our child" I ask you, IS IT? BC in my world what is best for the child is a loving home, memories , and a future.. and I am sad to say unless we as Americans get the picture from the past we will not have a future for the few kids we have today.