Sunday, October 4, 2009


Yet another topic of humility. Honesty, a virtue that I have not always had. Its easy at times to just tell a white lie;I don't have any change for the cheerleaders standing outside wawa, I put all of my clothes away when my mother would ask when I was little( or even sometimes even now). These things seem harmless but I have found in the past they are a gateway drug to bigger lies. So why is honesty so important? Because the Bible tells us so? Because we want to avoid a punishment later on? It seems to me honesty usually equals pain BC the things people need to be honest about are hurtful and or wrong. I hate this. More and more these past few days I have been going through a sort of purgatory on earth. I know God is getting me ready for something big but first;suffering. As you can tell from my recent writings, I am working some things out. Honesty seems to be the next player called to bat from my team of emotional baggage. I have had to be very honest with myself and the things/emotions I have suppressed these years and in turn, others are being honest with me. O joy .A fun filled time for all! I have a bit of a bone to pick with Eve , ya know the first woman. If she would have just left that damn apple alone we wouldn't be in this position! Not only am I making up for and working out my own issues I am dealing with it BC of Eve! God MUST be as loving as they say to have dealt with this for all these years! So here I am, start of a new week picking up my cross (which has gotten much heavier since I started "working out my issues") praying for the strength, patience, understanding and the love I need to stay upright.

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