Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The perfect family

It is almost Christmas. I used to get so excited about this time of year. The first snow fall, the smell of ginger bread, Christmas morning. I am still excited but for different reason. I understand the season better now so I can enjoy it differently. I have always had these romantic images of what Christmas would be like if I were married and had children. I was telling these thoughts to my friend the other night when I realized that my thoughts and dreams go deeper then just a pretty picture. I always imagined being at home baking cookies with a curly haired little girl while my husband and son went out in search of the perfect tree. My daughter and I would talk about what we hoped the tree would look like all along knowing that the men we love would bring us home perfection bc we trust them. I will trust in my husband with every choice bc I know he is listening to The Father. My little picture perfect world is actually not about Christmas tree's and cookie making at all. It is about the deeper bond between us and God. Its is knowing that He will never steer us wrong. He will provide for us in time of need of Christmas tree's or in the time of need of a job to support our family. He loves us so much that during this season He sent His only Son. He makes sure we are taken care of in all ways, all we have to do is trust in Him. Move froward with our life's bc we know He will be waiting.

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